Sunbelt Rentals is the leading provider of industrial tent rentals in North America. Sunbelt Rentals team members are experts at installing these structures, which can be equipped with a variety of accessories customized to fit your project’s needs. Sunbelt Rentals is also a full-service operation, meaning we handle and work with you on all aspects of project planning, the site inspection, setup, installation, on-site management (if needed), and dismantling.
Worried about climate control in a temporary structure? Don’t be. Your staff and guests will be comfortable in any of our structures, which are engineered, climate-controlled environments, offered with on-site power distribution, air conditioning, heating and ventilation. Additional features we offer include vented and ducted forced-air heating, approved for public gatherings, or soft-duct air conditioning systems complete with silenced mobile power-pack units. We also carry a full line of ceiling and upright fans, specifically designed for an industrial tent or high-profile special event. Each of our portable shelter structures can be fitted with a full range of heating, air conditioning, and ventilation products.
Insulated steel walls can also be installed with any Sunbelt Rentals structure, providing further insulation and security. These walls are resistant to harsh weather conditions and are designed to keep temporary structures warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Sunbelt Rentals offers a wide variety of industrial and event flooring solutions, too. ExpoDeck flooring, for example, can be installed on any surface and can bear the weight of heavy equipment. Modular Wood flooring is often used by the military as-is or painted, and can be carpeted for upscale applications. Thermo-plastic Flexi flooring is an economical option and can be installed on asphalt or concrete sites to provide a more finished interior appearance. Bravo-Zulu flooring is used industrially, and designed to support light vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
For those looking for flooring for an upcoming event, Sunbelt Rentals can provide dance floors, wood polished flooring, carpeting, and Bil-jax Staging (steel and wood flooring that may provide a foundation for your event). Sunbelt Rentals can also install clear flooring covers directly over a pool, allowing guests to carefully walk over the pool while adding more space to your event.
Interested in learning more? Contact Sunbelt Rentals and speak with one of our experienced Project Managers today.