An East Coast environmental remediation company had a major environmental cleanup project to complete under a strict deadline. It was a massive undertaking and included working through the brutal winter months on a worksite along the coast.
The worksite scheduled for excavation was a former natural gas plant that operated in the late 1930s and early1940s under little-to-no environmental regulations. The plant closed long ago, but it left behind contaminated soil that posed a risk to residents now living in the area.
Time was tight, and the remediation company needed to find a vendor capable of providing a safe, airtight environment to protect the worksite, employees and nearby neighborhoods. Sunbelt Rentals was proud to be the chosen partner for such a significant project.
Why Sunbelt Rentals
Sunbelt Rentals has a 20-year history of partnering with remediation companies as a vital part of the solutions required for their complex projects. Sunbelt Rentals provides innovative site shelters and containment structures that improve efficiency, optimize productivity and minimize public disturbance.
Environmental enclosures:
- Are engineered to meet extreme weather conditions
- Offer interior pollution containment workspaces
- Can be relocated at any time
- Have eco-friendly design
The Challenge
One of the biggest challenges for the client was finding a structure solution designed to keep the worksite safe from the elements and protect the surrounding community from the fumes associated with the remediation process. The process included excavating the existing contaminated soil, packing, and shipping it out of the area. They needed a structure capable of filtering the air while the contaminants were being dug up and replaced. They also needed entrance and exit doors for personnel and bays for trucks and other necessary equipment.
Climate was another significant challenge. Located on the East Coast, with an average temperature of 36 degrees and daily snowfall, the structure had to be sturdy enough to withstand frigid temperatures and other variables of Mother Nature. Since residential communities surrounded the site, space constraints for the installers posed yet another obstacle.
The client needed a solution that could:
- Remain on-site for six months with an option to extend the lease
- Protect the work site and surrounding community from contaminants in the soil and air
- Withstand frigid temperatures and heavy snowfall
- Provide installation in a residential area
- Offer expert care in delivering the structure to a compact area with poor soil quality
![]() Remain on-site for six months with an option to extend the lease |
![]() Protect from contaminants in the soil and air |
![]() Withstand frigid temperatures and heavy snowfall |
![]() Provide installation in a residential area |
![]() Ability to install over a poor soil quality |
The Solution
The Sunbelt Rentals Tension Series™ was recommended for the project. The MTS™ is a versatile fabric structure and is engineered to be quickly installed for temporary or permanent projects. The MTS ™ was designed to be crane-lifted for jobs involving temporary excavation or environmental remediation projects, making it the ideal candidate for this project.
Sunbelt Rentals' solution included the following features:
- Sunbelt Rentals Tension Series™ (36 meters x 65 meters)
- 10-foot extension on one side of the structure
- LED lighting package
- Three personnel doors
- Two bay doors to allow truck access
- Expert project managers, designers and an expert installation team
Sunbelt Rentals' expert installers faced many challenges during the construction process. Heavy rain in the area left the construction site full of mud and sludge. The grade of the land had a steep incline requiring heavy customization for the to work at its full potential. A 10-foot extension was added on one side, and the roof paneling was extended accordingly to meet the walls seamlessly.
Project manager, Joe Berger, and the crew were permitted to an extremely limited area to prevent disruption of the active excavation site. They worked diligently to deliver on-site customization to meet the changing needs of the project.
The Result
The temporary structure fit the exacting specifications for the environmental remediation client perfectly, and the project moved forward according to the schedule.
While the original lease agreed upon was for six months, the remediation company requested to extend the contract. Sunbelt Rentals' flexibility is one of the many benefits offered to meet the changing needs of clients.
The Takeaways
Companies have zero time to waste when tackling time-sensitive environmental cleanup operations that pose potential risks to the health of residents and future generations. That’s why it’s important to partner with a vendor with years of environmental project experience and turnkey installation expertise.
Sunbelt Rentals understands the complexity of the remediation process and is prepared to offer solutions that work. Let our expert project managers explain Sunbelt Rentals' versatile temporary structures and containment solutions for your environmental needs.
Call one of our project managers for a creative and proven solution to fit your plan.